Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e06 - Undertow
Under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office in the United States because he waged an insurrection. Understand how Trump plans to avoid accountability by becoming president so he can grant himself immunity and hold onto power indefinitely. Trump's lawyer claims Trump as president can assassinate his political rivals and nothing could be done about it because Trump says the president is above the law. Lean how a rogue faction of the FBI is working with Russia to install Trump as dictator
Under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office in the United States because he waged an insurrection. Understand how Trump plans to avoid accountability by becoming president so he can grant himself immunity and hold onto power indefinitely. Trump's lawyer claims Trump as president can assassinate his political rivals and nothing could be done about it because Trump says the president is above the law. Lean how a rogue faction of the FBI is working with Russia to install Trump as dictator
Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e06 - Undertow Reloaded
After an unfortunate computer crash, the show continues with the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. See how Joe Biden as Senator voted to invade the Hague, and as president has the capacity to invade the Hague at the behest of Israel. Neri Oxman's double standard where she can get away with plagiarism because she's white. Texas kills two migrants. See the fascism as it takes form.
After an unfortunate computer crash, the show continues with the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. See how Joe Biden as Senator voted to invade the Hague, and as president has the capacity to invade the Hague at the behest of Israel. Neri Oxman's double standard where she can get away with plagiarism because she's white. Texas kills two migrants. See the fascism as it takes form.
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