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Showing posts from July, 2021

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e27 - The Wolf

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e27 - The Wolf Colors aren't what they seem, and a little scratch can reveal the illusion woven between words and scripture. PoGokeRo evinces the gates and keepers of spirituality, makes clear the present danger, and lays the blame of inaction at the feat of Democrats.  web: Twitter: Facebook (fuck facebook!): Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e26 - White Idol Cult

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e26 - White Idol Cult On 7-13-2021 the Cult of the White Idol descended upon Salem Oregon with Proud Boys to attack the poorest women in society, with the protection of the Salem Police Department. Recreate the day's events with models and videos.  PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Helps me keep this going. Thanks! PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW! Helps me keep this going. Thanks! web: Twitter: Facebook (fuck facebook!): Twitch:

The Planned Parenthood Trap

UPDATE 7:52 PM: I googled my name and sure enough, the newspapers are reporting I had been arrested. I freak the fuck out. After frantically driving down to the Salem Police Station downtown to straighten everything out, I got a call two hours later.  Officer Treven Upkes contacted me to apologize for the error in the press release. He has contacted all the newspapers for a retraction and offered to speak to my boss if there should be a need. I was never arrested or charged with anything. The newspapers have offered a meager retraction. * * * The whole thing was designed as a trap. July 13th, 5:50 PM.  I arrive at the Planned Parenthood in Salem, Oregon on Wolverine Street. Already there was the Cult of the White Idol. They used cones to claim a portion of the street in front of their "stage" they set up on the sidewalk.  Men of various sizes, all wearing black and yellow, the gang colors of the Proud Boys , stood around the Cult in a large perimeter, intimidating the neighb

New Reactor Design to Get Us Off Hydrocarbons

Back in 2012, I saw the writing on the wall. Hydrocarbons were going to kill us all, but the key to everything remains energy. The only viable solution I saw at the time was a molten salt nuclear reactor design from Kirk Sorensen called LFTR. It dissolves the nuclear fuel into molten fluoride salts to burn up all the fuel. It doesn't explode, you can't proliferate bomb material, carbon-free, and the fuel is everywhere. It creates so much energy you can desalinate water for free. I was hyped. We could save the environment, give energy to everybody to stop the arms race, and transition to exploring outer space. I even lobbied the Nevada Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste to use the fund already established to deal with nuclear waste to make a prototype LFTR that would eat existing nuclear waste and then use the waste heat to desalinate the copious briny ground water around Las Vegas. We could solve the nuclear waste problem, the energy problem

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e25 - Engulfed By My Own Singularity

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05e25 - Engulfed By My Own Singularity perceive daytrip glitches, tracers that clip into historic days, tease immortal psychedelic witness to this posture that sits to peer into the depths of it. Carlson lies, MyPillow guy lies, TN govt is nazi, Teacher fired for CRT. PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW! Helps me keep this going. Thanks! web: Twitter: Facebook (fuck facebook!):

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05 e24 - Homecoming

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s05 e24 - Homecoming 245 USA whee! PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW! Helps me keep this going. Thanks! web: Twitter: Facebook (fuck facebook!):